Wind Energy & Wildlife Tools

Wetlands in Nebraska

The landscape in Nebraska is dotted with thousands of wetlands, many of which provide valuable wildlife habitat. Because many of the wetlands are small, a statewide map at this scale may not show all wetlands.

During the siting phase of a wind energy development, it is highly recommended that all jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional wetlands in the project area are identified and delineated. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services National Wetlands Inventory can be used as a source for wetlands in Nebraska and across the U.S.

Wetlands in Nebraska

How this map was used: All wetlands included in this map were classified as Medium Relative Sensitivity and Moderate Mitigation Areas. A demonstration by a developer that a wetland is not viable or is already heavily disturbed may result in a reclassification of that wetland to a lower mitigation ratio.